My girl was jickling me the other night; my sheets got ruined.
by Jicklingles September 2, 2021
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A word used by black people to insult any and every other race. It means you're a jack ass, a bitch, a dick, a loser, a fuckheaed and you get 0 bitches.
White Guy: You're a dick
Black Guy: Shut up Jickling
White Guy: ........
by MetacrowX February 7, 2023
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The grey area between a social gathering and a party, probably with music and bevs but not usually going over the upper limit of about 15-20 people. Requires very little preparation like a full blown knees up, and is normally situated in a living room, garden or random field near someone's house
"Jickle at mine tonight bring bud" "Is there a jickle on tonight?" " Tbf is it jickle"
by jicklwe April 17, 2017
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The act of telling someone a joke and tickling them simultaneously to induce overwhelming laughter.
Betty decided to jickle me, but i retaliated with a firm Donkey Punch.
by Kylesz August 2, 2008
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When someone tickles you and you jizz a little, not a lot. But just enough to make it awkward. That's what jickle means
Melissa: (tickles Johnny's foot)
Johnny: I'm gonna bust!
Melissa: what do you mean?
Johnny: (jizzes enough to wet pants)
Melissa: what the fuck johnny
Johnny: sorry I jickled
by Fucktruck123 December 27, 2018
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