When a girl looks way different than her profile picture irl
Guy 1: Dude she's so cute

Guy 2: Dont even think about it. Major jetlag, she ugly af
by Trumanblink April 4, 2017
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A condition commonly suffered after excessive partying, named after London's most hedonistic district. The effect is reminiscent of the effects of long distance air travel, whereby your body no longer has any concept of what time of day or night it really is.
Cassie was struggling on on Sunday. After Friday's drinks got a bit out of hand, she had a serious case of Whitechapel jetlag and still isn't completely sure what day it is.
by Clarebear81 January 9, 2011
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Problem on the last night of the school holidays, which is to be followed by the first day of school. You are forced to adjust yourself back into your old sleeping pattern, in the knowledge that you will be up before 7am, but cannot get to sleep.
*5 students collapse*
"wow.. that's some pretty bad school jetlag.. they must've been going to bed at 5am all summer.."
by the lolagon January 8, 2008
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Dude, I would totally love to go see Evanescence with you, but I have Mexican Jetlag so I am going to have to pass.
by henrytheviii June 25, 2009
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The insatiable desire to go to sleep come Sunday night made impossible by the fact that it was past noon when you woke up. The jetlag continues Monday morning when you are sluggish, unproductive, and not likely to recover until you hit your bed at 8 PM that night.
"Wow, man you look terrible. Were you up drinking on a Sunday night?"
"Nah, dude. I just got some serious weekend jetlag."
by Driction November 19, 2007
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The difficulty in getting up early in the morning, similar to that experienced when returning from a trip to a time zone to the west, caused by staying up late and getting up late during vacation.
"Oh, man, sorry I was late for that morning meeting. I've got a bad case of vacation jetlag that I can't shake."
by j404 January 5, 2010
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You're taking time adjusting to a different lifestyle instead of adjusting to a different timezone.
Jimmy: Bro you okay? You look like you're dying.
Timmy: Yeah man, I'll be fine, just got some mad life jetlag right now, y'feel?
by .Wonton Fighter. October 27, 2020
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