a sexy girl with an attidtude. make her mad and she isnt someone you want to pick a fight with but she is a great friend and sticks around even in your lower then low times.
yoooo....shes pissed dont go near jaene right now.
by fifty1 June 28, 2009
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a tall cool dude with really pretty eyes that i’m highly jealous of and is terrible at roblox but is still in denial of it, also thinks he’s fantastic but he is not. he hates on quenia because he’s jealous of how cool she is. he also puts cereal then milk when making cereal.
Jaen is a loser
by leehwehtekatsusej July 13, 2018
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When you get cum on your jeans.
Ahhh man my jaens.
by Chodey March 24, 2018
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Is a hot and cold person. Sometimes he will be very passionate and sometimes he’s really cold like he don’t want to talking to you. A very hard to know person. Keeps many secrets to himself and you won’t know whether the person u r talking to is the true him.
That’s how Jaen Chew is. You don’t need to care about him.
by I try try only November 12, 2021
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