/'istist/ noun, pl. "istists"

A person, who labels people by using one or more words which end with "-ist", e.g. racist, sexist, misogynist, feminist etc. This word describes people most commonly related ideologically to the modern Social Justice Theory, i.e. SJW, but not necessarily. The one thing that describes the istist is the high rate of using the aforementioned "-ist" words, often without comprehending their meaning and, also, their impact upon the target. They sometimes even tend to create new words, in order to find new ways to be offended.
Example: Female SJW Vs. a random man:
SJW: I am a sworn feminist and I believe all men must be killed slowly and violently for being patriarchist scum!
Man: Feminism promotes equality between men and women, not violence and oppression towards men!
SJW: How dare you correct me? You think you are better than me, don't you? You sexist, misogynist pig!
Man: Hey, I have a wife, a daughter and a sister, you idiot! Do some research before using such a dark language!
SJW: Dark language? Oh, so you hate black people, too? You racist piece of s**t!
Man: OK, I've had enough. You know what you are? A goddamn istist. A person who uses all these words without even knowing what they really mean.
*SJW tries to punch Man in the face, Man blocks her*
SJW: Rape! Rape! This rapist tried to assault me!
by Zerberos666 December 4, 2019
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a person that calls people words that end with "ist" such as timist, racist, sexist, ect.
"your a goobag."
"well, your a timist."
"I will not tolerate you istist comments."
by Rick James May 17, 2004
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An istist is someone who believes in istism, the ideology of accusing (often wrongfully) someone/something the istist disagrees with of promoting some extremist ideology without even knowing what that ideology stands for. Istism is not a political ideology as anyone no matter where they are located on the political compass can believe in istism if they are dumb enough but the manifestation of their symptoms does depend on the person's political opinion.
Example one:

person: Wear a mask when going outside. (talking about the sars-cov-2 pandemic)
istist: Masks are COMMUNISM!

Example two:
person: I'm ok with the peaceful protests, but the violent riots and lootings that have taken place I just don't feel good about them. (talking about the protests following George Floid's tragic death)
istist: You're a NAZI!
by The_Big_Green August 30, 2020
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