1 definition by The_Big_Green

An istist is someone who believes in istism, the ideology of accusing (often wrongfully) someone/something the istist disagrees with of promoting some extremist ideology without even knowing what that ideology stands for. Istism is not a political ideology as anyone no matter where they are located on the political compass can believe in istism if they are dumb enough but the manifestation of their symptoms does depend on the person's political opinion.
Example one:

person: Wear a mask when going outside. (talking about the sars-cov-2 pandemic)
istist: Masks are COMMUNISM!

Example two:
person: I'm ok with the peaceful protests, but the violent riots and lootings that have taken place I just don't feel good about them. (talking about the protests following George Floid's tragic death)
istist: You're a NAZI!
by The_Big_Green August 30, 2020
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