no words for it. just get firefox and google chrome and delete that shit right away.
Guy 1: "Yo, what internet browser do you use?"
Guy 2: "I use internet explorer."
Guy 3: "That shit is CANCER get that shit out of your computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
by M_too_flee April 11, 2013
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The incredible software used for downloading Google Chrome.

There are many misconceptions that internet explorer is actually a web browser, but it's not.
Internet explorer is the best software for downloading Google Chrome.
by phillips1012 November 7, 2012
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1. You only have to use it for one minute, just to get to and download Firefox

1. Slow
2. Bug ridden
3. Forced on all Windows owners
4. Looks like junk
5. Easily exploitable
6. Infrequently updated
7. No pop up ad blocking
8. Highly inconvenient

237. It just plain sucks
About 60 seconds after he first opened it up on his new computer, Jimmy was finished using Internet Explorer - for 2-4 years.
by hoyclan December 22, 2009
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Us. We are internet explorers
Me:"Hey Sam, we're internet explorers."
Sam:"Dear god"
by awaffleduck July 3, 2014
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1. a browser based on ancient techbology

2. aside from downloading {firefox} the only thing it's good for is testing webpages
1. when was the last time they updated IE? the 30s?

2. I have to make sure my webpages work in IE because there are alot of idiots
by Chipface March 12, 2005
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Its that thing that that comes with your computer but you only use once and that one time was to go download google chrome.
Guy with google: hay i just found a file for this thing called internet explorer

Other guy with google : internet what

Guy with google: idk ima get rid of it i think its a virus
by BucketGuy June 1, 2016
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The program that millions of average joes are issued with windows XP every day. This program is flawed by endless amounts of security issues and lack of adequate updates. The only good function of the existance of this program is that it distracts advertising agencies. They concentrate on the computer illiterate Internet Explorer users so that more experienced computer users don't have to deal with ads because they use less prominent, faster, and more useful free browsing applications such as Mozilla FireFox.
My neighbor got twenty new security threats through Internet Explorer yesterday so I didn't have to!
by EvanAC September 5, 2005
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