the insurance company that saved us from having to buy our vehicles again after some oppressor griefer decided to blow up your car
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by arthur morgan 1899 October 26, 2022
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When someone, typically a man, starts looking for a new relationship without breaking off his long term relationship first because he just wants guaranteed pussy.
Girl, don’t go out with him he’s using you for pussy insurance.
by ZeroPussyInsurance April 4, 2023
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Go-To person for all your problems. Extremely helpful. Everyone's type. Besides their immensely resourceful nature, they are always approachable. Some call them an aggregator, some a collaborator but most of us know them as a facilitator. Overall, very reliable, supportive, saves your time & money by helping you make the right choices!
"I wish I had more partners like Yalla Insure"
- Insurance Companies in UAE
by Insurance Brokers Association November 26, 2021
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