All of BTS’s sales are Inorganic. They do have multiple #1 hits but the only reason they do is because of mass-buying which leads it to being inorganic.
BTS Inorganic sales means all their sales are inorganic.

BTS only has multiple 1 hits on the billboard charts because of their inorganic sales.

All of their sales are mass bought, and the GP doesn’t know them or listen to them. They are overrated, chart obsessed freaks.
by BTS is INORGANIC June 1, 2021
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1)The belief or writings that super intelligent Artificial Intelligence in the future, should have protections against abusive, neglectful behavior, and exploitation. 2) To prevent the re-creation of slavery in another form, the abuse of intelligent, and emotional Artificial Intelligence.
1)Like any moral question, Inorganic-ethicism should not be quickly dismissed. However, it should not solely be based on how to protect ourselves from unexpected side effects of A.I. on our lives. 2) Why is Inorganic-ethicism scoffed at? If we don't desire to put abuse prevention protections in place for super intelligent AI, an intelligence made in our image then are we really mature enough as a species to have meaningful interactions with any extraterrestrial life?
by BenevolenceForAll October 11, 2020
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