Someone who has done nothing wrong in certain situations.
You are INNOCENT until proven guilty in a COURT OF LAW. And you are given a right to a FAIR trial.
by railerswim August 20, 2014
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1.not having done sth. wrong
2.having little experience of the world, expecially of sexual matters, eril or unpleasant things.
Annewh is an innocent little girl.
by Annewh December 8, 2005
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perfectly sweet; never committing any crimes or breaking rules; never gets in trouble because doesn't do anything wrong; above suspicion, angelic, chaste, clean, cleanhanded, clear, crimeless, exemplary, faultless, free of, guilt-free, guiltless, honest, immaculate, impeccable, impeccant, inculpable, irreproachable, lawful, legal, legitimate, licit, not guilty, pristine, pure, righteous, safe, spotless, stainless, unblemished, uncensurable, uncorrupt, unguilty, unimpeachable, uninvolved, unoffending, unsullied, untainted, upright, virgin, virginal, virtuous
Maggie aka. Moo, Mooglez, Maggs
by Margaret Gumings October 22, 2007
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Looks sweet and cute , and with those eyes could do no wrong! .... Always tries to be bad but is just to goooooooooood , hehehe! .... The only thing missing is the Halo above them!
Tigs and Jackie , who could see them as anything but innocent , hehehe!
by TDreams August 6, 2005
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Not being introduced to the internet. Specifically tumblr for example.
Friend 1: "dude, I just heard about this great website called!"
Friend 2: "oh jeez, don't go on there. That's where your innocence and childhood go to die."
by Herpaderp17 October 6, 2013
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The one of the things you lose while reading Urban Dictionary .

Losing it will leave you really uncomfortable .
Person 1: "Urban Dictionary has really dirty definitions."
Person 2: "Yea and I recommend you to kiss your innocence goodbye."
Person 1: "Well shit."
by Calico Kaco November 27, 2019
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