When you indirectly tweet your feelings about someone to a friend who understands whats going on. The friend should be a good one, who you can "fake argue with" and no one will suspect a thing.
Annoying friend: Omg I hate my lyfe!!!!!~111!
You: @bestfriend I hate you you are so annoying!
Bestfriend: @You Please go die I really hate you
Annoying friend: Omg markers!!!!
You and best friend: The Classic Direct Indirect!

You and your best friend get your emotions out, and no one suspects a thing.
by zoeisthesmartest November 6, 2011
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When you like someone, think they are cute, or are otherwise attracted to them, but have no desire to enter into any kind of relationship with them.
Often used for noncommittal cuddles, makeouts, ect.
Girl 1: I have an indirect crush on Darren.

Girl 2: Yeah, he's really fun, but not for you.
by Jennarae12345 October 1, 2008
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Three or more persons are involved.

Person A is walking along unsuspectingly an Persons B and C are somewhere behind him. Peron B then shoves Person C into Person A, therefore raping Person A through Person C. So in actuality it was B who committed the rape, and C was merely a tool of rape.
*Paul and I are walking behind Tom*
Me: Indirect rape!
*I shove Paul into Tom's back*
by darkesideofthepaul July 1, 2008
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When a guy sends or recommends porn to another guy.
It's perfectly normal for brothers from other mothers to give each other Indirect Handjobs. That's part of becoming a man, being exposed to such things.
by Yandereperson January 6, 2011
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When you high five someone or shake their hand then jerk off
by Jason Freed January 20, 2016
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A conversation established with ulterior motive; is ambiguous and illogical.
Guy: You like it
Crush: I don't want hurt you
Guy: Ok

Crush: Do you want come in?
Guy: Yes, of course

**Kiss the girl**
Crush: You are crazy, i have fear

Nice indirect talk
by barbaroja October 11, 2022
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Confusion of the heart, where you don't know if you're "crushing" on someone, and even if you did, you don't know if you should date said person.
Katie, in her turtle-y awesomeness, is quite a mystery. I'm not sure I want to date her, or her me. This is quite a case of indirect confusion.
by Middaymoon March 30, 2007
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