A cringe-worthy infringement, derivative of the word 'incringement'. Similar to the word 'infringing' but with an added smack down, handle with care.
Dude, you're incringing on my personal space. Do you wash?
by Zeromus October 16, 2007
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To overstep boundaries or invade into other people's affairs causing either sexual tension or awkward situations.
Phone call...
Joe: Hello.
Jon: Hey mate, is your sister around?
Joe: What? Why?
Jon: Well I don't wanna incringe or anything but I think she's well hot n spicy. Can i come over?
Joe: ......
by PixnSibs December 27, 2008
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When you infringe copyright laws on private property and are cringey while doing so.
He stole that regardless of copyright when it’s obviously not his, a perfect example of copyright incringement...
by Williamspeakspere May 28, 2021
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A word my dad made, that apparently means he / she / they can’t be cringe
Dad, your so cringe
I can’t be cringe, I’m incringable!”
by Sushipusheen24 June 20, 2021
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