An amazing person that’s also silly and fun
Heyyy let’s go eat a tree!
Okay you Imbecile

Yay thank you
by idiotic mango.. May 11, 2022
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1. Someone with 21-50 iq

2. I thought imbecile was a shape

Bully: you are an imbecile

Me: N
by Nintendo DS Lite March 30, 2023
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A name commonly used to describe someone being stupid
Person A: *dabs on top of a table*
Person B: “You are such an imbecile.”
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people who insult the intelligence of a person in the white house.
Democratic trash talkers are imbeciles.
by uberliken April 6, 2007
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RMK is the most intelligent human being I have ever read the definition of...

You're right, BUSH SUCKS DICK!
by Drake January 16, 2005
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someone that is an utter imbecile
fabienne malti (the only imbecile to have ever graced the planet)
by Bobichco August 13, 2014
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