on december 10th we will be ignoring celebrities because why the hell not. so basically we don’t like their post or any content they post
guy 1: hey u heard it’s ignore celebrities day today?
guy 2: damn really i just like kylies new post

guy 1: then unlike it dumbass
by heyyoubeyterlikethisrn December 7, 2020
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Wouldn’t it she funny if a celebrity posts a pic on dec 10th and it gets 13th like lmfaoo they’ll be confused as fuck so national ignore celebrities day is dec 10th every year
by #nationalignorecelebsday December 7, 2020
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On this day we are going to ignore celebrities
Don't like their ig or tiktok posts for the whole day

And unfollowed them on all social media platforms.
Q: Kylie Jenner's post has 5 likes in 10 hours
A: Didn't they tell you its national ignore celebrities day!!
by useridgafboutjail May 8, 2021
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