To ask someone on a date; and then at the LAST MINUTE cancel using some pathetic excuse. Examples include: the bank froze my account, the dog ate my credit card and/or I do not own one, my cell phone fell in the toilet and I can't call you, or my car blew up.
Goddammit she cancelled because she said she has a blackhead....I've been Jimmy'd.
by Wordzgrll July 11, 2010
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First said by Audrey Kitching after breaking up with Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco fame.
Now, it's used by girls that got bored of boys, and dumped them.
Much like going to a disco, but getting bored after a few hours.
Correct Use: When I asked Clara about her break-up with Brent, she just said "I've been to the disco!"

Incorrect Use: When John broke up with Ariel, she came crying to me saying "I've been to the disco! I still love him! I wish he'd take me back!" even though she was an AIDS infected slut that slept with the entire hockey team.
by Bahjeezuz November 29, 2007
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The act of never never moving but experiencing life's greatest pleasures.
Rob eats a bag of "Bold Party Blend" Chex Mix.

Rob gloats about finding three rye chips (he claims five).

John exclaims "i've been there i've came back i'm still here" because he's eaten an entire bag of "All Rye Chips" in one sitting.

He knows what's up.
by Sir. Sacksalot April 12, 2011
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A phrase used often in the canceled TV show "Arrested Development". The phrase is mostly used when the characters talk to themselves after a serious of poor choices/bad events. It's used to make light of bad situations, although the characters themselves don't find it funny.
MARTA: "I was really worried about you"
GOB: "You've got nothing to worry about. We're going to be together for a long time"
MARTA: "We're family now - I'm so happy. I'm going to call the kids!"
<MARTA walks out of room>
GOB: I've made a HUGE mistake
by DepressR June 13, 2010
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1. An understatement to utter under your breath when you botch everything.

2. Something to say when you realize your preconceptions of the situations have turned up false.

3. Something Gob might say on "Arrested Development."
by dogmatica October 1, 2005
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When someone talks about something you think is a myth, you may say "wow, that's the coolest thing I've never seen!"
Saw a bigfoot in a UFO? WOW, that's the coolest thing I've never seen!
by I, Wreckerrr July 19, 2021
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