Inflammation brought upon by learning too many new and shocking things in a given period of time. Like many other types of inflammation, howbowditis is most commonly caused by a viral infection. New and shocking revelations constitute mind viruses, and there is indeed a viral load past which howbowditis is nearly guaranteed to manifest.
Jimmy: Hey man, did you know that artificial strawberry and raspberry flavoring comes from the anal gland of the North American beaver?
Bob: howbowdah
Jimmy: Yeah, it's crazy. And did you know that some people have Auto-brewery Syndrome, and that means their gut produces ethanol and they're drunk all the time?
Bob: Howbowdah!
Jimmy: Shocking, huh? And did you know that Bush did 9/11?

Bob puffs up and turns red

Jimmy: Looks like you got howbowditis, Bob.
by EldritchHorror October 13, 2022
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