1. Hovel; small dirty shack.
2. Nasty small dirty things.
3. Abnormal obejects
Verb; Hoveling
The other day I was at the Hovel mann, now I smell like cigs.
by idiscoveredit January 30, 2010
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when you have had a bad day, its the place where you go to curl up, wank and cry
"mate, my girlfriend dumped me, didn't leave my wank hovel for 2 weeks"
by smellthatshit78 October 12, 2009
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Generally used to describe an ill-fashioned walking stick upon which one would hovel, thus providing support for old or feeble persons.
"I am leaning on a hovel post"
"True, it is because you are unable to support yourself without it."
by crackotfige September 1, 2005
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Oh she escaped to her lady hovel to get away from us all.
by joetoe239 November 28, 2019
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