Originally "hunkie," a variation on "bohunk," a derogatory term for Eastern-European factory hands and mostly used in midwestern cities. Became corrupted to "honky"(factory hand) in the late 20s-early 30s(see Mezz Mezzrow's REALLY THE BLUES). By the late fifties came to mean blue collar whites and by the sixties white people in general.
Honkies are all assholes.
by Lord Invader October 18, 2003
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Noun. Slang word used to refer to those of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.
You dirty honky.
The honkies are all gathered at Walmart.
by Grumpy_Eel February 17, 2005
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The only word you couldn't understand in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop". So you decided to look it up in urban dictionary, so you can be indie and use a 1920's colloquialism that no one understands.
Thrift Shop fan boy 1: I should look up honkie in urban dictionary seeing as it is the only word I couldn't understand in Thrift Shop.
Thrift Shop fan boy 2: So you can be indie and use a 1920's colloquialism that no one understands?
Thrift Shop fan boy 1: Damn right.
by TheRazorSoft March 23, 2013
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Slang for a white person. The word 'honky' is considered offensive.
'Honky' is just as vulgar as the n-word and should not be used by anyone.
by Mr. X-106 October 2, 2003
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Andrew: Quit being so black, RJ.
RJ: Shut up, Honky!
by Andrew September 2, 2004
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Either a term for a white person as used by a black person, or someone from Hong Kong.

Personally as a white girl I would not be offended if someone called me a honky, because it's way too funny-sounding to be offensive.
One of my little brother's random black friends: You stupid honky bitch!

Me: Lol
by purplefeltangel March 10, 2006
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