The fear that gay men will treat you the way you treat women.
-"This random guy just came up to me and told me I was cute. WTF is up with that? I should have kicked his ass."
-"Sounds like you have a case of homophobia to me."
by Mattyb0i December 13, 2011
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In a recent study, many people are homophobic who are not aware of it.
by x-lorm June 22, 2005
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A male's insecurity about his heterosexuality, and projection of the hatred he feels of his own homosexuality onto other people.
Wow Chuck really seems to put down gay people alot, his homophobia is probably just hiding the fact that he's gay
by russianspy1234 October 13, 2005
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NOT fear of the same (yeh yeh, I know, but lets not argue literal translations of the word).

NOR is it disaproving with flagrant homosexuality or gay pride or toilet sex or whatever (though non of the above would have cause to exist were it NOT for homophobia!).

Homophobia is a rabid fear in men of male homosexuality, and/or the possibility of being treated like one through association, to the point of unprovoked sometimes violent outbursts, vocally or physically, against gay men.

It's existence can be directly connected to the attitude of the immediate environment and local laws.

1. In straight men, it normally has very little to do with fear of any actual gay sex act or gay men, rather it's the fear that, for whatever reason (his job, his peers, police attitude, the religious extremists in his area...) any association with or acceptance of anything 'gay' could mean people might think HE is gay, and he therefore would lose the respect of his peers and maybe even ruin his life (or in extreme cases, END his life!) via the open prejudice he see's enacted against gay men around him.
So he 'acts out' to assure people that he is definitely NOT gay nor would he condone it!

2. With gay (or bi) men its when a 'straight acting' gay is trying to keep the respect of his straight peers and, again, doesn't want to get the prejudice and disrespect he see's enacted towards more obvious or 'out' gay men around him.

He's often deeply in the closet, at least with his straight friends, and very vocal about his dislike of queers and how very straight he is, even when unprompted! He may even have a girlfrend or wife or even go gay bashing, and it's these sorts of guys that keep alive illicit homosex in toilets and sauna's and such, as they need to keep hidden.

You don't get so much of it in more liberal inclusive societies where it isn't considered socially unpalatable or dangerous to be gay, or with guys who are totally assured in their heterosexuality, as the fear of being perceived as gay is no longer present.

On a personal note, how come all gay prejudice, anti gay laws and religious dogma is only ever directed at gay MEN when all arguments for it's justification should apply to either sex!? That in itself shows homophobia! Maybe if The Pope just lost the frocks...
1. 'Backs against the walls lads, don't bend over, don't let him look at your cock when you piss, no you CANNOT buy me a drink you fucking queer, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!'

2. 'Backs against the walls lads, don't bend over, don't let him look at your cock when you piss, no you CANNOT buy me a drink you fucking queer, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!'' <later has sex in a public toilet with a random married guy then eases his guilt by gay bashing the out ones outside the local gay club>
by ..WiL May 27, 2005
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When someone is scared that they are homosexual (which they usually are).
Eww those guys are making out! I'm turned on...wait. That's gay. You're gay. This is fucking gay. Gay wad.
by Roxxi July 22, 2005
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It's not our job to educate faggots, yes a faggot is NOT a homosexual, but someone who is anti-gay. So when phobes say "FaGz sHoUld DiE" they obviously even hate themselves! Anyway everyone should know by now that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If you continue ruining other people's lives, you're truly pathetic I mean how long will it take until you realize YOU are thee problem? For example phobes complain that gay people "flaunt" their "lifestyle" and "want special rights". Hello idiots, you brought gay parades / pride to yourself because if there wasn't homophobia, there would be no need for this! Homosexuality isn't going to vanish so quit wasting everyone's time. Life is short try to actually enjoy it! The world needs more love, yet it's denied over hatred! "God" must really be proud right?
Anti gays complain so much about the word 'homophobia' as if it even matters what they're called. It's like a murderer complaining about the word killer.
by Mrs. Intelligent October 7, 2009
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