1. the next step in evoluton from emo, (i.e. emo)
2. twenty-something stroketard whose style of clothing conflicts with their demeanor, thus resulting in a spicy psudeo-intellectual with more flavor-of-the-month conversations than a long island prostitute.
If I here one more three syllable word outta you, I'm gunna paint this diner with your hipster BLOOD!
by id0pa July 12, 2004
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Dorian Sanders. He wears scarves, big framed glasses, and walks around with 8 cameras around his neck, snapping pictures every emotional second he gets. He thinks triangles are the epitome of life, they're so deep, yet so shallow...~
Dorian Sanders is a hipster.
by tjudez November 9, 2010
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lets stand next to these hipsters so when they get off at Bedford we can take their seats.
by staywarm December 7, 2006
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the a.v club's favorite word. used to describe, compliment, or insult anything.
This is a hipsterized club in a hipster-infested neighborhood known as the hipster mecca to local hipsters
---av club entry on mcdonalds.
by skudge December 27, 2007
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A person, usually in their early to mid twenties, who has what they think is good taste.
They read literature about drug use and depression, listen to music that nobody has heard of and think of themselves as beat poets.
They wear their jeans too tight and carry around moleskine journals. They write (usually shitty) poetry or engage in some kind of (failing) art form. They pretend to value intellect more than most things, but often are extremely stupid.
They complain about society. They like everything that is slightly subversive, like dressing in drag, smoking pot, or grafitti. Anything that requires a real risk, however, is not worth doing. They pretend to care about the environment, but litter. They smoke a lot. They curse a lot. They say they'd like to drop out of college and become a hermit in the mountains, but never do.
They pretend to be alienated, but actually fit in so well it's disgusting.
HIPSTER: What do you think of my new pumas?
NONHIPSTER: I don't care about your pumas.
HIPSTER: That fucking post modern bullshit is exactly what's caused the fucking degradation of the fucking environment. How can you not care, man?
NONHIPSTER: I thought we were talking about shoes!
HIPSTER: If you can't see the fucking connection, I don't see why you're worth talking too.
by Katie B, March 22, 2006
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Characterized by a nostalgia for long-lost caucasian pop culture.

The term "caucasian pop culture" is inclusive of elements enjoyed by, derived, and originated from people of all ethnic backgrounds, while being defined by "things white people like."
With her collection of records and brimmed hats, old books, thrift store clothes, sun dresses, ray bans, flannel, polaroid camera, Andy Warhol fridge magnets, urban outfitters shopping sprees, quirky electronic dance indie iPod mixes, and existentialist attitudes towards life expressed during coffee shop conversations and impromptu picnics, she is a total hipster.
by Cam the man. January 31, 2012
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A hipster is someone who does not identify with any sub-culture because they consider themselves independent and of a counter-culture. They often identify as a counter-culture leading to anything that is popular being labelled as "too mainstream" by hipsters (however this in fact is often more used by their critics to parody them for example "being a hipster is too mainstream for a hipster" however in fact this may be accurate considering that most hipsters will not self-identify as hipster). They tend to express progressive attitudes but because it is often mixed in with a militantly elitist attitude they are generally disliked by non-hipsters. They have a fashion sense that often includes things like ripped jeans and American Apparel products. They tend to identify with indy music although occasionally they also identify with classical (which is just more ammo for their critics who believe it is part of their faux intellectual and elitist persona).
Bob: You are such a hipster!

John: No I'm not!
by willbell December 16, 2012
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