HCMC stands for "Ho Chi Minh City", Vietnam.
Attn: Cao Tien Quan,
32/89 B, Block 2.
Hamlet 32,
Tan Chanh Hiep Ward,
Dist. 12,
by quan cao tien August 20, 2010
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Hella Cute Master Chief.

The fictional lead character and the protagonist in the Halo franchise. Known for singlehandedly saving humanity, many times over. Heroic, intelligent, capable

All of this, but, instead, a hella cute version instead? Idk
When a girl from hinge opens up to you and tells you her #1 goal in life is to become a HCMC. You'll remember, as it's her life's goal after all, as weird as it is. But... she'll later act in denial about it, or forget her goal entirely.
by ANDYGARCIA December 23, 2020
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