a rock band from ohio.quite good in my opinion. the only problem is that they have 5 or 6 songs that sound EXACTLY the same .

i am on your side
this is who we are
we are so last year
dead in the water
breathing in sequence...
i think hawthorne heights is great but they have to stop makin' that " copy/paste" stuff on some of their songs...
by teknopat May 3, 2007
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what in hell ever happened to them anyway? they kinda sucked lol...
HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS!!!! former beloved band of poser girls!!!!! WHERE'D YA GO????
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One of my favourite bands. They're amazing live. Just because "Ohio is for Lovers" said something about cutting wrists doesn't mean this is what they're telling their fans to do. I met Hawthorne Heights, they're one of the nicest bands imaginable. JT and Casey are absolute sweethearts. The only reason you hate them is because you're seeing these little "teenys" saying that the favourite song is either "Ohio", "Niki FM", or "Saying Sorry". Yeah, these songs are good, but they're not the only ones on their CDs.
Zack: Hey, where were you last night?
Me: I saw Hawthorne Heights live.
Zack: Oh man. They're awesome.
Me: I know.
by zombiefied.remains November 11, 2007
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Hawthorne Heights is a good band from Ohio. Their music is rock/emo/screamo. Not everyone agrees that they're good, but to some they are. You have to be interested in emo/screamo to like them. And they're not a band for all you fuckin little pussies who think their song "Ohio Is For Lovers" is the best song ever because part of the lyric is "So cut my wrists...".
Hawthorne Heights is a pretty good band.
by Superfish March 17, 2005
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One of the last great vestages of old emo glory.

however they seem to be evil these days telling people to collect both covers of their new CD, but their badass attempts at attacking the rap world is enough to make me love them more.

And i know what your thinking Omgz dis kidz an emo fag who likes this stupid band, well fuck you i have my own opinion of what I listen too, and Your gonna think your accomplishing something by trying to vote this entry down, you will not destroy HH. and if you rate this bad your only proving my point

Me: hey do you listen to feminem or shitty cent or britney spears?

Loser: uhh yes

Me: go to hell Hawthorne heights is more talented than any rapper, or even fall out boy.

Loser: duh me brain hurty! (exploads)
by Jay pee July 7, 2006
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Possibly the worst band ever. A mediocre singer and one of the worst screamers in the existance of music. They also have the worst lyrics I've ever heard, which is quite an accomplishment, considering Fallout Boy are still around.
One of the producers of "The Silence In Black and White" was so embarrassed by the cd that he had his name taken off of the credits. True story.
by like it really matters...? August 27, 2005
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