The single most overrated game of all time. Despite having good graphics and realistic physics, it has a plot that makes very little sense and leaves more questions than it answers. The weapons are unoriginal and boring, with the exception of the gravity gun which is really nothing but a toy to showcase the new physics engine. Though the voice acting in the game was good, the dialogue was ridiculous and contributed nothing to the suspension of disbelief. There was not nearly enough variety in the host of enemies faced by the player. The installation process was truly hell, requiring the player to download an additional program (Steam, a problem of it's own that I won't go into here), meaning those without Internet access who purchased the game are 100% fucked. It also had a major glitch that would halt the installation process if "Counter-Strike Source" was deselected from the install menu. I finished the game, and was utterly unimpressed by its ultimately anti-climatic ending. I have to say, this game make even Deus Ex: Invisible War look like a worthy sequel. I've never been more disappointed by a game in my life. If Valve makes an expansion pack that adequately finishes the story of Adrian Shephard from Opposing Force (the excellent expansion pack from the first Half-Life, for you morons out there who never played the original), I might be able to forgive them but until then, I'm sticking with Doom 3 and Far Cry.
Half-Life 2 doesn't come close to matching it's predecessor.
by Raptor March 5, 2005
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A phenomenon that occurs when a piece of media (mostly video games) is put on hiatus or when there is a very large gap inbetween releases, where people will overhype and praise the content to the high heavens, even before release. It then either doesn't get released or does get released, causing everyone to be disappointed because their soaring expectations weren't met, that weren't very realistic in the first place.

This isn't the doings of the developers, this is the doing of the community who in an attempt to keep their hopes up, make excuses about their favorite piece of media being or soon becoming the greatest piece of entertainement ever, e.g. Half Life 3. Aforementioned hopes are then usually crushed and they go to metacritic to rate the item a flat 1 or 2.
Adam: ''My god, Duke Nukem Forever sucked!''
James: ''It was overhyped to all-hell and in development for like 10 years, ofcourse you were going to be let down.''
Adam: ''Classic case of Half-Life 3 syndrome.''
by Pillium December 26, 2013
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An overused joke on facebook comments which implies everything has 3 subjects means that Half Life 3 will be released.
3 likes on this; half life 3 confirmed
3 dicks inside my ass; half life 3 confirmed
by TwoBirdsStonedAtOnce July 4, 2013
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Another boring FPS. Sadly, it has a huge database of n00bish fan-boys, who say it is "godly" and "awesome" and "beats the living shit out of Halo". Some, actually, alot say HL2, is better then Halo 2. But I say, they both suck after a while of playing. Yet again, there hasnt been a game that truly revoulutionizes ( I know I spelled that wrong. ) the FPS Genre. Some say HL2 is that true game, but I say nay. HL2 only has graphics and a good physics engine. Whoo-hoo. If your smart, you wont care about that, you would care about the fun factor of the game. I dont give a rats ass if HL2 has an awesome physics engine, or good graphics. Personally, I have more fun playing Pong then HL2 and Halo 2.
Friend- Didja buy that awesome game HALF LIFE 2?! ITS GOT AWESOME GRAPHICS AND PHYSICS!!!!

Me- Why would I buy that? So I can waste 50 dollars on it, play it for a week and get bored of it? Its just a carbon copy of another FPS.


Me-.... Your a fucking retard....
by Adam Chambers August 27, 2006
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A popular joke on social websites such as facebook, twitter and even youtube (and many others).
When something has 3 of something on it, they use to say something like examples below.
_____ has 3 ______, Half Life 3 confirmed

...for examle

Triangle has 3 sides, Half Life 3 confirmed!
3 likes on this post, Half Life 3 confirmed!
by physicsmastergta February 25, 2015
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Waste of $50. Boring SP, Boring MP.Only the last 1/3 of the game is ok. Even that is boring. Graphics are OK compared to Chaos Theory
I played it, beat it in a day on hard. Multiplayer got boring in a day. Good Multiplayer game= Halo 2. Good single player game = Halo 1.
by chaos recon March 23, 2005
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a really buggy game with scientists fucking screaming

note: the goldsrc version is way better.
Half-Life: Source is really fucking messed up.
by le block October 9, 2022
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