1) bringing into a given conflict situation issues that are irrelevant to said conflict

2) (to not be) forgiving of past grievances that are irrelevant in the current zeitgeist
IMHO gunnysacking is the worst possible method of conflict resolution and can make an argument or conflict less controllable than it needs to be, with often undesirable subsequent consequences
by Sexydimma April 5, 2013
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1- bringing into a given conflict situation issues that are irrelevant to said conflict

2- not be forgiving of past grievances that are irrelevant in the current conflict
IMHO gunnysacking is the worst possible method of conflict resolution and can make an argument less controllable than it needs to be, with often undesirable subsequent consequences
by Sexydimma November 16, 2014
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Another term for gunnysacks is ballsacks. A ballsack is a skin bag that holds and protects the testicles. The testicles produce sperm, and in order to do so, the temperature of the testicles must be lower than that of the rest of the body.
Bella: Maris gunnysacks are small!
Mari: shut up you undercover faggot!
Wendy: Tbh, Jay has the biggest gunnysacks..
The rest of the gc: YEAH JAY HAS THE BIGGEST GUNNYSACKS!!!!! also we hate vivian
vivian: what.
by viviancansuckmyballs November 27, 2021
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