a gummer is a hummer(blowjob) that is given by someone that has no teeth/wears dentures(and removes them).
I met this cougar last night and she took me home. When we hopped in bed she removed her false teeth and gave me a gummer. It was 10x better than any old hummer could ever be!
by Paul J Parkinson July 5, 2005
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to rub cocaine on your gums, which makes them numb. often used to test the quality of the coke. the number it makes your gum, the better shit it is
ya let me take a gummer to make sure this shits ill before i pay for it
by M feezy October 14, 2004
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Vinnie got gummer from a girl with a chew in
by Mattyyyy JONN December 8, 2010
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A female interested in hockey players; a hockey team slut. The name comes from the typically toothless gums of hockey players that the gummers so desperately crave.
Although Ovechkin may be the ugliest man alive, the gummers still go crazy for him.
by emw123 January 24, 2010
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a crackho that slobs your weasel after she either a) removed her dentures or b) just let all her teeth rot out her cakehole. also can be referred to the actual "slobbing" itself. advantageous to those who have had bad experiences with over-zealous biters.
That old bat gummer on the corner is the cheapest ratwhore in town!
Man I got this phat ass gummer off this crabass bitch yesterday!
by Cinna January 6, 2005
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