1. A variation of the word “Girl” as used in the accent of the character Gru from the movie series Despicable Me.
1. Gorlllllll that ass is despicable.
by _yung_mulah May 2, 2018
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A fresh meme featuring gru from the despicable me series. This meme shows Gru’s face edited onto different pictures that include the word “girl” but in this case “girl” is replaced with gorl since it it the way gru pronounces the word.
Everybody wanna steal my gorl
Mean gorls
by Mememaster6969 May 1, 2018
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It's what Gru from despecible me says insead of girls
by Drpandazzzzz May 3, 2018
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The way Gru, from Despicable Me says girl . Many people use it in sentences or song lyrics rather than saying girl and find it extremely funny
"Don't wish your gorlfriend was hot like me"
"Baby Gorl"
"Who the world? Gorls."
by soggytrumpet May 8, 2018
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Similar to girl, but very particular types of girls, for example, the basic gorl, or the quirky gorl.
The quirky gorl's soulmate is Bob!
by Notquirkyatall November 1, 2021
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When a woman is so attractive, not only in the physical aspect but as a complete person, that referring to her as a cute girl isnt good enough, shes a gorl.
I really love her. Shes not just a woman, shes a gorl!
by Gorldefiner June 10, 2023
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Gru’s gorls
ONLY Hoi Henderson Eddy can say
A cooler way of saying girl
Samuel: hey gorl
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