When, like Charlie, you have been given access to the Chocolate Factory. Permission for anal.
by Anon and Unknown March 13, 2007
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Letting women know what your "packing" with by saying you us only the Golden wrapped magnums.
Hey Yo Shawty... I got that golden ticket!
by foxtrot_gumbo December 10, 2007
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The ultimate gift a certain nurb will give you if you are extremely lucky, the golden ticket is used to gain access to Mandyland the ideal fantasy.
Nurb: "Danza, you did not receive the golden ticket! Get out of Mandyland you fool!!!"

Danza: "But I forgot my golf clubs at Mulligans? What am I supposed to do??"
by kimbolesbo1 August 25, 2010
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A swingers free pass to have one-on-one sex, similar to a date or affair, with another swinger. Usually recieved for 'taking one for the team' or getting the 'softie'. example: I used my golden ticket to go have sex with *name* at his house. His wife was out of town but gave him permission.
Hubby said I can cum play with you tonight, cuz I earned a golden ticket on a softie last week.
by Atacia August 24, 2007
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When you are good friends with a cop and he rights his name and personal phone number on the back of one of his business cards and if you get pulled over buy a cop you can get out of anything up to a class B felony but then that ticket expires and you will need to get a new golden ticket
dude I just got out of bringing drugs over the Mexican border because my brother gave me a golden ticket for Christmas
by the law sucks ass March 29, 2010
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1) A Trojan Magnum condom, since the color of the wrapper is gold.
2)Refers to the fact that a man's penis is wider than average; therefore, needing a condom with more room.
"Hey, how did it go last night with your boyfriend?"

"Amazing! He's got the Golden Ticket."
by Ashley aka Bunny October 8, 2006
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Permission granted by one's girlfriend to enter the chocolate factory
Sammy: Nick, I'm giving you A Golden Ticket
Nick: Schwing Schwing!
by Samick Downunder August 8, 2005
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