A character in a story called "Real Life" he saved the world. This book was based on actual events.
IN the Real Life, Gimpy saved everyone and its actually based on a true story!
by Peter Starks April 28, 2007
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Dafad Flock Botherer
Gimpy, The dafad flock botherer, bothers flocks with his WILLY
by Jock-boy July 11, 2010
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Usually Some Serbian with a small cock. Who Plays with himself a lot or does not know how to make the penis function.
{KID} Dude that guy is so gimpy
{KID#2} Your right He is a Serbian with a small Penis lol
{Serbian} *sitting with legs crossed reading {Men In tight Pants}
by YebVas March 23, 2004
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An insult for someone, usually in a group chat, who licks the arse of the group leaders to acquire some sort of reputation because their jokes are fucking dreadful.
What a gimpy cunt

Stop licking ass you gimpy cunt
by PerkieD February 17, 2016
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Droopy testicles during sex. Usually belonging to an old man.
As an elder sexually active man, taking Viagra will increase the potential of your erection; however, there is no hiding how droopy your sack gets with age. You may have a powerful boner, but there ain’t no masking them gimpy chiggens!

Stacey: Mark was going at my box like a 19 year old last night but I just couldn’t fully enjoy it with them gimpy chiggens flapping against my ass.

Bethany-Ann: Ew gross..Viagra should be banned.
by Mr. Woodshop Teacher December 23, 2019
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A place found in Australia known to produce the finest in-bred children money can buy
"East Gimpie Fish 'n Chip shop, If you can kill it we can grill it!"
by tuff August 18, 2003
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Some random fuck tard who runs around in a onsie tiger suit at night and calls himself 'gimpy terry' and tries to molest children, annoy people and genrally be retarded. his friends are pedo jezz and gary glitter.
Gimpy Terry runs past...

Steve: Fucking retard.

Matt: there's something wrong with him.
by SAGGARTH February 10, 2012
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