(geh-twah) Ghetto-Bourgeois coined by Antioch students
Girl, you know I'll make pancakes from scratch and then follow them up with some Tanq & Tang cuz I'm ghett-eois like that.
by Malini July 1, 2006
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Adj.----Ghetto. Usually said by whitey's to make fun of people.
Haha, she thinks shes "ghett-yo"
by Ghett-yo February 25, 2003
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A slightly more ghetto way of asking someone if they understand what you've said.
Dat gyal is chuuung blud. U ghett me!
by Aidan Brooks June 1, 2005
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A fucking shite chav term that everyone in the south of england, usually bedford uses which is annoying as fuck and usually induces violence in the average normal white person who doesnt think he is black. The term is usually used by female chavs aged 9-18 and sounds fucking stupid, although it can be used by male chavs aged 15 who think they are hard.
chav 1: dat kid over der is 2 normal 4 us
chav 2: u ghett me
chav 3: we shud go and start beef wid him just cos e can spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" (at this point, chav 3 has to point to the word on a magazine and ask a normal human being 2 tell him what it says).
chav 1 and 2: u ghett me
chav 3 (to normal human being): u ghett me?
normal human being: no, i dont ghett u, i may understand u but i dont even understand u if u talk like that. go and die u fucking retarded cunts, dont even go to school and learn to speak properly as u are wasting taxpayers money. motherfucking well fuck off and diiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee, u scummy chavvy pikey shite.

by chav haters from the north August 30, 2006
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An area or neighborhood that used to be nice maybe 20 years ago but now it's ran down and nasty. Not quite as bad the ghetto, but it's "ghetting" there. Usually close to a city, like borderline suburbs.
Man 1: Damn, Blue Island, IL used to be nice. Now it might as well be the South Side of Chicago.

Man 2. It's the ghetts now.
by MinnieCigs October 30, 2017
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