Somebody who was actually born in Manchester or lives in the city.

Manchester United Fans from London usually pretend that they are in some way related to Manchester and acuse Manchester City fans (who are in most cases actually residents of the afore mentioned city) of being 'stupid, fucking inbred wankers' because their vocabulary doesn't really extend much further.

A Genuine Mancunian realises that Manchester United aren't actually a Manchester team at all, while Manchester City are firmly at home within the boundaries of the actual city itself...
A dark, rainy day in London... "Go up the apple and pears and fetch us a hint of queer, me old cocker, son... Glory Glory Trafford United!"!
by LiverLover March 3, 2005
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A fan of Manchester City. IE. Someone who actually knows how the offside rule works.
Manchester United fan: I'm a true mancunian!

Manchester City fan: Who was Man U's top scorer in the 2003/2004 campaign?

Man U fan: Um..Beckham?
by Evil h. Weasel April 24, 2005
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