The definition of a pussy.
Wants to hu with Brooklyn mancuso.
And misses lola Dolan.
Wait we’re hanging out with billy gentile what a pussy
by Ajkdisosichhwhdbf August 14, 2020
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in NYC we give "Gentile discount" to Goyems: they pay three times more.
Priveledged why boy? and he has an attitude?? charge him "triple Gentile"
by stevenfordesign July 11, 2020
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Person( usually a man)

Would tip a Fedora Unironically after talking to woman

Wrecks other people’s friend ships
Reece is a gentil sir he says to girls that he would give girls the world
by Imfuxkinghilarious February 16, 2020
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When a non-Jew attempts to explain a Jewish practice to a Jewish person.
She was Gentile-splaining when she attempted to teach me about Jewish conversion and posted "You know, when Charlotte on "Sex in the City" converted to Judaism..."
by Valgirl December 17, 2021
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Some crazy fucking communist kid who screams REEEE every single day you see him.
I would recomend to stay away from him as he usaly starts a revolution in every school he attends
"Hey have you seen the new kid, His name is Gregory gentile, Hes Super Fucked Up"
by A_True_Commie January 26, 2019
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a) a term used by WASP intellectuals to denote non Jewish and non-Muslim monotheists, especially other protestants.

b) a politically incorrect synonym for 'goy', this term is, for political manipulation, is either unknown by, or specifically not used by, the modern Western media.
The modern Western media IMHO doesn't seem to know/realise that the word goy has 2 meanings, depending on who uses it and where: 1) when a Jew uses the term to speak to non-Jews, especially an educated WASP, he uses the term as a synonym for gentile. 2) when the term goy is used among and between Jews it often denotes a non-monotheist, i.e. an idol-worshiper.
by Sexydimma August 20, 2013
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A NOT Jew. That’s the word for it. If a Jew fucks a NOT Jew then it is akin to Bestiality! HA! YOU THOUGHT I WAS PARODYING WHAT THE JEWS ACTUALLY BELIEVE! HAHAHAHAHA! That’s hilarious! I was just being derisive because that little cripple was a shit talking bitch and I knew they were all reading my posts! BUT YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE SHIT AS A FACET OF YOUR RELIGION! HA! And if you have a little WOP (WAP?) DAGO working for you (and he’s just the worst by the way) HE’S LIKE YOUR PET! A dog! A dog man. LIKE ME! HA! HAHAHA! Aw you got a new one and she look just like YOU! That’s so cute. Can I breed her? I’ll give yoooouuuu.... $100... I have $100. (Pssst I have more than $100 but I’m trying to THEM him down)
Hym “WHAT!? Is that was they ACTUALLY believe!? That’s hilarious! I didn't know that! That a Gentile is like an animal to them. Well, shit... That answers my question about what happens to Gentiles when they die. Nothing. Imposed atheism. That’s hilarious. Wow, what else? So, they have the Torah. Which is “The law” and they have their other gibberish word for their word of mouth beliefs... 🤔 And then their culture focuses on controlling or embedding themselves in the legal system and the media and entertainment... You know... The Law and The Words.... 😬☝️ BUT NOT ENTIRELY BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE A RACIST STEREOTYPE! Just like... I don’t know... 40% of both.... That’s enough... All of the other religions are too atomized for any one of them to control more than 40% percent.... HA! Hilarious! Hey, Dog man... say ‘bow-wow’... Do it. Say the thing I said in your video. Come on, you love doing it. So, do it. Say ‘Bow-wow’ or, better yet, say ‘Arf Arf’ or ‘Woof woof’ HAHAHA! Dog man! That’s hilarious!”
by Hym Iam December 2, 2022
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