The unbelievably brilliant dance that Stefan Olsdal, of the equally brilliant band Placebo does on stage, often but not limited to the song Taste In Men. I think he might have been gay dancing a bit during Protege Moi at Wembley 2004 but I'm not sure, I couldn't see very well....
The gay dance involves a lot of hip swinging, arms in the air and general sexual energy. Ask any Placbeo fan about it and they'll probably give you a demonstration.
Someone: "Oh you really should have been there, I was right infront of Stef while he was gay dancing!"
Someone else: "ugh you're so lucky!"
Stefan: *gay dances*
by Bethany September 9, 2005
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King Dedede's Final smash from Super smash bros brawl. It's not really called "Big gay dance", so much as nicknamed that for comical reasons. Popular on youtube.
"You can have... MAH BIG GAY DANCE!" -King Dedede
by Dark Toon Link August 6, 2009
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Like a regular dance party, but with better music, classier vodka, and trashier sluts.

Gays often crave homosocial spaces. Gay dance parties, or anything queer-centric, offer a brief reprieve from the oft-repressive hetero world. Gay dance parties offer a space where gay men and women (and anyone slightly removed from the hetero/gender-normative spectrum) can let their hair down. Rather than being judged by oppressive heteros, they can be judged by bitchy queens :)
Clubs sometimes hold gay nights a few nights a month, if you're desperate to find a gay dance party. Definitely something to check out.
by hbeforei November 9, 2010
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Last friday, g4l has organized a gay dance party. it is basically a bored sausage fest, but still fun.
by G4L has GDP February 14, 2005
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