To do something risky/difficult in a video game with epic style.
"I'm about to do this jump, gamer style"
by reagun December 20, 2017
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When you have a gamer moment so awesome that you can call it epic
Person: Bro did you see that clip it was definitely epic gamer style
Person 2: Man I missed it my entire forearm is in my asshole
by Fortnite Default October 26, 2018
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A phrase used to ironically describe a 'cringey' or mundane action.

It will usually be followed by a sunglasses emoji to display the epicness of the phrase.
by BlindOwl May 31, 2018
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When you wreck a default in fortnite with a 1-pump then start default dancing
1-“oh no you killed me”
2-“You just got wrecked. Get Epic Gamer Styled
by Urmumhasgae December 18, 2018
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