Person that literally brings you to jail for losing at monopoly.
We were forced to call the game warden after Toni refused to go to jail after being clearly directed by a chance card to not pass go nor collect 200$ and go directly to jail. There was a standoff and things did not end well.
by TheGrumpkin February 1, 2022
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When a group of girls go out to a club, there is usually one, (normally a large one), who takes it upon herself to protect the herd from any stray dicks.
Man we was at the club the other night mackin some bitches, when outta nowhere their big Dick Butkus lookin game warden stepped in and cock blocked us
by plicketypow July 17, 2008
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a mean police on the water who pulls people over multiple times a day and for random stuff they also weigh 220+
boater: the game warden sucks they just pulled us over
by bejeuebshs July 6, 2020
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