Typically used for a very different set of clothing or fashion
On Buzzfeed;
"What in the Lady GAGA is that!?"
by DeannnaHapppiiee:D July 29, 2017
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Misdirecting someone to Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video with a URL. Similar to Rick Rolling.
He clicked on a link and got Lady Gaga's "Telephone". It's another example of gagaing.
by VirusOfTheMind July 28, 2011
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When you gaga while giving a blow job.
No more BJ's, I have weenie gaga phobia!
by BJWGP August 12, 2023
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People who really like Rihanna, Katy Perry, Ke$ha and other artists similar to Lady Gaga making them liable to be curious about Ms. Gaga.
That bitch luvs Katy Perry, she's totes Gaga-curious
by Gaga Fan 4 Lyfe October 2, 2017
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