to search and fumble about for something, perhaps furtiveley
She furkled up the bishop's robe to help him find his tassles.
She furkled up his inside leg to find his leg measurement.
by catthefet February 19, 2007
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To heat food at the lowest possible temperature. Below 'simmering' probably only possible by the use of gas appliances. The word FURKLE was invented by Paul Kelly (English) and mentioned first in letters home (2000) and also in his blog 'Daze Off' (whilst teaching Americans how to cook Curry).
KEITH FLOYD (The chef) once stated that he didn't think there was such a word (to describe the lowest possible gas setting whilst cooking food slowly).
To 'furkle'. Cooking on a domestic gas cooker, food would be first cooked and browned and once all ingrediants had been cooked through, the gas would be set as low as absolutley possible, so low as to just 'furkle' the food, to keep the heat sufficient to maintain a low heat, slight bubbling and nominal steam.
by Mike Kelly 'Daze Off' February 11, 2007
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to furkle v - 1) to rummage around; to search. 2) to muck about. often misspelled as "searching"
After much furkling, Will discovered that his new word "furkling" was acknowledged by only 238 people worldwide.
Karan furkled around in her handbag for her pen, while Will less-than-calmly tried to explain what "furkling" was.
by Wilberforce February 6, 2007
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The act of changing languages every step you take backwards. When used in a sentence it means to come out to your parents but get so insecure you end up saying chicken strips.
My so tried to furkle but failed terribly
by Totally not a cinnamon roll September 24, 2021
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Deep rooted investigation.

Looking for something in a small area. Similar to rummaging but with subsequently less mess.
My gaenae had a good furkle around down there last time I visited.
by StormyTeez July 2, 2021
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Bloke 1- “G’day mate, what have ya been up to?”
Bloke 2- “Furkle mate, Furkle.”
by fondlezombie000 June 25, 2020
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When you partner tries to initiate sex, usually whilst intoxicated.
"He tried furkling last night, i told him No"
by Arabpseudonym January 17, 2019
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