A stylish guy, of indeterminate sexual orientation. Basically, your classic "metrosexual."
John li is a Funboy because he listens to Dispatch and works at Merryl Lynch.
by Enrique K January 14, 2004
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Unlike the other people seem to suggest for this entry, a funboy is not necessarily gay. He is more of a metrosexual; the kind of really stylish guys that dress in expensive clothes like they might be gay, but are just really stylish.
I saw a couple funboys headed to the club wearing their cashmere and pink polo shirts.
by greg January 4, 2004
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A metrosexual male who may, or may not be gay. He is however very well groomed, wears expensive stylish clothes, puts some sort of product in his hair, and is slender and athletic.
Oh, you mean that 25 year old funboy who went home with her, made out with her on the bed, but didn't even cop a cheap feel?
by The Brother Art May 21, 2007
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A naive homosexual man who is really embarassing to be with. Not funny, is very annoying, and very homosexual. If there were levels of homosexuality...a funboy would be the highest. Is not bisexual or straight, and can be considered the worst person in the world. Also see other words related to gay/stupid/doomed
Funboys are worse than wars and killing innocent people!
by Eric Charles S February 15, 2006
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1. a great teacher of spirituality and
2. mature, smart, meterosexual webdesigner, yogateacher,cook, poet, actor and worldtraveller
3. loves drugs and alcohol
4. ´s muse are beautifull tenage girls
5. is the master of romance
6. doesn`t need any money to bring you to neverland
7. will move in with you straight away and share everything he has (mainly his ideas) and expects the same in return
8. s network contains intellectuals, upper class,
drugaddicts, pirates, artists, gays and pretty girls
9. symbolises the inner child of a man
10.someone to have fun with

meeting and loving a funboy is a special experience.
With him you enter a surreal world that will inspire you for any direction in life.
His rainbow spirit is a gift and he is a great buddy and soulmate but remember that he will leave when you do not expect him to...
He is your friend, family, lover, your inspiration and dream and when he`s gone you wake up in a nightmare.
by daydreamer November 28, 2007
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Person who is all of these

1) Ugly
2) Acts gay
3) Is gay
4) Is very bad at things in life
5) One who is not very smart
Anyone i know is a funboy
by AmericanE July 17, 2004
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A bit of a poofter, one who frequents a funpub.
dk looks like a funboy with hair like that
by Tim(bo) December 23, 2005
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