The term used to describe a person's belief that they dont need or want a job primarily used by Stitches (the rapper).
by Sir pimp May 27, 2015
"Fuck this job, I quit!"
by Nutzen YerMouf March 12, 2018
Exclamation muttered when an Apple product malfunctions or loses battery power after one hour. Uttered when Apple map sends you to the wrong location. When you find out the next Apple Phone is $1200 and does exactly the same thing your old Apple phone did.
by Angry Chicken Lady June 16, 2021
"A person with an eccentric personality that has used shit loads of narcotics over their life, resulting in a swiss cheese brain effect that lends itself easily to OCD and other psychiatric disorders. Though irritating at times, they can be quite entertaining to those around them, like watching a drunk party clown wetting themselves."
"That bitch is a total Nut Fuck Whack Job!"
by Badass721 March 10, 2010
by Toejam Pandejo July 7, 2005
In the corporate world, a person who steals credit for someone else's accomplishments; alternatively, a person who passes the blame to another person for his own mistakes.
by cincycats51 April 2, 2014
In the corporate world, a person who steals credit for someone else's accomplishments; alternatively, a person who passes the blame to another person for his own mistakes.
"I came up with this great idea to save the company some dough, and I get fired while that fuck job got the raise and promotion."
by Ishtamo October 17, 2007