Someone who thinks that they have "unique" or "interesting" opinions, while in reality simply regurgitating whatever they hear from others. Peolple who call themselves this typically have very little critical thinking skills and fail to actually challenge their own beleifs because they live in an echo chamber of "SJW OWNED" and other denominations of cringe surface level right wing commentary. The name is actually a misknowmer because they should be more accuratly called people who are "Free of thinking".
Person 1: Bro I had to sit next to some "free thinker" in my social studies class, he kept arguing with the teacher about stuff that no one cares about
Person 2: Guess you won't be cheating off your neigbor this semester.
by KingofKahn December 3, 2022
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What conspiracy theorists claim themselves to be to make themselves to be as they don't follow the official MSM narrative. Essentially it is a term used to make themselves feel smarter and believe that in the know, therefore alleviating their feelings of superiority over other people.
BBC News: Scientists say that wearing masks protects other from the virus.

Billy-Bob Joe on Youtube with an IQ of 62: I'm a "free thinker", I will not be a sheep, therefore I will not be wearing a smelly mask. They make people look like poo poo heads.
by Rotten Turkey February 12, 2021
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1. Newspeak term for anyone who supports all left-wing platforms without question or second thought.

2. Another term for non-conformist. Yuuuuh maaaaan you're so unique!!! *pfft*
To misquote a South park episode:

"Hey how do I become a 'free thinker'?"

"You have to hate George Bush like we do, and have the exact same political beliefs that we have."
by Leftists are ironic May 19, 2005
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A social group of lefties who claim to be intelligent because they bitch about religion, current governments, oil, iraq and anything else while not contributing any ideas to solve these 'problems' other than total elimination and turning the human race into mindless drones. Usually a feminist or hit by thier girlfriend, which they call 'dominant female life partner'
Mesa called jar jar binks. Oh yea, free finkers do not like movies, but fully support ridiculous litigation.
by xenomorph June 6, 2004
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Free thinking is when you say your thoughts out loud with no filter, whatever comes in your head comes out of your mouth. Having no regards for societal judgement and consequences but still considering the right morals. Being a Free Thinker doesn't mean you are ignorant to society, just not phased by it. Resist conformity towards societal norms of keeping thoughts to yourself by being free
Sean is such a free thinker he just says things that come to his head
by swervest October 23, 2022
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The random hairs on your face that are somehow way longer and different than all the others
Person 1: yo man you’ve got a couple free thinkers
Person 2: oh shit man really thanks for the help
by i rented a goat September 17, 2022
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