A cigerette.

Background: Mexican-spanish slang. Used in the southwest US.
Yo yo yo. Anyone got a frajo?
by Will-I-Ain't January 19, 2005
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1. General term for a cigarette
2. used to describe a full flavored cigarette in parts of the upper midwest, eg. marbolo reds
1. you got a frajo?
2. why you smoking lights, here have a frajo.
by djashburnmn September 19, 2007
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"Hey! Dame frajo!"
Years ago, I used to hear guys at the pool tables saying "Dame frajo!" and someone would toss them a cigarette. So one day I very politely asked an old gentleman to "Dame un frajo, por favor." He patiently explained that it's "Dame un cigarro, por favor" and that a frajo is a "f***ing cigarette."
by Anna Mae Bollocks June 22, 2023
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