Four fingers in the pussy and a thumb in the anus. The new shocker.
After the ceremony, Randy gave Colleen the fork and knife.
by Whitewidow May 25, 2014
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Adjective: A female or a portion thereof that is so delectable that to properly indulge, one would require the use of a fork and knife.
Verb: To indulge in such a female or portion thereof.
Kunal: Mmm. Look at that money badonkadonk.
Rich: That applebottom is fork-and-knife.
Eric: I would so fork-and-knife that hose hound.
by Eric February 23, 2005
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If you don't want to swear during a time when you are under duress, then use this phrase to express your angry/disappointed emotions.
John Smith: I left the dog outside in the rain.
Joe Bloggs: Fork n knife...Why?
by Gurtek the Destroyer August 20, 2009
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“Me pretending to know how to play fork knife to impress some guy
by icryucry May 1, 2018
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This is just a really weird way to say 'Fortnite' a hit video game available on Console and PC.
"i told my grandpa that the new fun game is called 'Fork Knife', he just ordered a Fork with a Knife attached, then asked me what to do."
by Xahlix May 24, 2018
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