Basicly Hitler, talk to them with caution they probably have a Panzer Wagen in their back yard, And when approaching do it with caution they are a very agressive variaton of the german Hitler But do remember they are always armed with a Luger. They also have a very unique mating process, it involves a battle of murder and dominating, they are also classified under the D.I.C.S Dapper Intelligent and Cool Scouts.
That guy is such a Folkert he wants to astablish a facist third reich
by CommunismAstablisher69000 January 17, 2018
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when somebody is being licked constantly in the belly button by a cow until their belly button has been chafed off.
Hey that guy is getting a folkerts.
by greg dumbass October 27, 2006
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to think like a cow. Cow brained.
"man that noob is such a folkert" or "hey that guy is really acting like a folkert....what a jerk"
by bina / tech March 31, 2005
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