Damn, my kid got sent home for having Hair Fleas.. Bugs got to go!
by KiddyPool September 30, 2019
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Robert: Man, theres so many fleas!
Josh: Man, throw some Parmesan on them!!!
Robert: WHY?
Josh: Then they will be flarmesan fleas. It's a delicious snack.
by airplane34 October 2, 2018
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A pet that has contracted fleas and is segregated to keep the fleas from spreading to other pets, furniture, people etc.
Minnie is a flea spreader, just like the rest of them”
by minniecrip August 12, 2022
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A more dangerous kind of flea. It sticks to you and sucks the life out of you! Originated in Macau.
There is a Chinese Flea stuck on her back.
by nxtdoorbuddy March 19, 2018
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A female who chases a meth pipe to get high;

A female addict that will smoke it all even ya stem!
All these stem fleas wanna do is scrap a nigga pipe
by Lu key lelu November 25, 2021
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