a flauty pronounced fl-how-tee is a sexy bitch who plays a mean flute and is proud of their nerdom.

a flautist, or one who plays the flute, combined with shawty, a fine young lady you wanna get on.

not to be confused with flouncy.
get it flauty.
by margo1031 April 30, 2011
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1. when something is not on point
2. when you do not dig something
3.something horribly manufactured and doesn't work right but you're in the hood.
4. nasty
5.fucking up, etc.
"Man the these flauty ass shoes keep squeaking."

"Bruh your life is flauty as fuh.... "

in this case the shoes are weak and should have not been purchased but his friend is letting him know that his purchase has showed the he is not a person whose life is one of quality or value.
by cruzcovr October 8, 2015
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