one of those hand dryers in public restrooms that blows the hot air so hard that the fat and skin on your hands flaps around.
Person A comes back from the restroom
Person B: That took a while
Person A: Yeah, there was a flesh flapper in there, I spend a while watching it blow around the skin on my hands.
by Klemintina March 1, 2011
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One who chooses to use a regular controller on a guitar hero game
Hey Andrew , you only beat me in guitar hero 3, because you use a controller

It doesn't matter i still beat you

no your just a Faggy Finger Flapper
by Campbell-toe January 28, 2016
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One who chooses to use a regular controller on a guitar hero game
Hey Andrew , you only beat me in guitar hero 3, because you use a controller

It doesn't matter i still beat you

no your just a Faggy Finger Flapper
by Campbell-toe January 28, 2016
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Drunk chick at a bar that flaps her pussy on the floor like she is performing at a strip club... except it's totally not a strip club & everyone is staring.
We were at a karaoke bar, everything was kosher at first. Then the floor flapper showed up... Every time anyone sang a rap song, the front row heard pussy slamming on the floor, for free! That poor floor....
by Not a Flapper August 4, 2019
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Those useless batshit human things with big balls from the 2006 book All Tomorrows. They used to be able to fly but lost the ability to, so they just used their big-ass webbed hands for courtship display. They were made because of the Qu’s messed up alien religion.

The hand flappers went extinct because they couldn’t build tools.
Hand flappers went extinct because they were useless.
by Lem88 January 23, 2022
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1. A person who's goal is to beat their last score on flappy bird; addicted to flappy bird.
2.Posts up their new high score on social media every time they get it. usually annoying.
Boy 1: That dude is always posting up his high score on Flappy bird.
Boy 2: I know, hes such a flapper.
by yoloislife February 9, 2014
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Flapping is when you fap on a girls breasts and rub your hands on her ass while listening to Ed Sheeran
Man, I almost did a flapper on her but the radio was broken.
by NorthNex December 10, 2018
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