Becoming so intoxicated as to lose control of one's bladder whilst passed out. As far as I can determine, the term orginated in, and is mainly used in, Oceania.
"Ben was so wasted last night he ended up firetrucking on my couch, the bastard."
by Puddinlover July 1, 2006
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Anword that starts with f and ends with uck but isn't fuck.
by waterililicious August 6, 2012
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Gay anal sex without lubrication and using water to dose the burning sensation at the end
"Dude, I firetrucked some guy and I had to use a gallon of water to get rid of the burn"
by MonsterMexican December 4, 2015
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1. a shiny pink window - see also: sex

2. a shiny dildo wrapped in marijuana leaves that you light on fire and extinguish with your tongue or mouth - see also: pot-dildo
1. The pink Firetruck glimmered in the sunlight.

2. Wow, Liz got an orgasm, a high, and a 3rd degree burn with that Firetruck!
by erik February 22, 2005
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Smosh's slang for fuck "Because it starts with f and ends with uck"
"Firetruck you you firetrucking bastard!"
by Hi I know things June 18, 2016
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The Firetruck Game is a game where someone puts there hand on the other persons inner thigh and travels upwards until the other person says 'Red light'. But the thing is...the other person doesn't stop and typically replies with 'Firetrucks Don't Stop At Red Lights'. This game is typically used for an excuse for SA (Sexual Assault) and it is a very bad game. (Unless you play with CONSENT AND CONSENT ONLY)
Person 1: Hey what's the firetruck game?

Person 2: It's a game that typically ends with someone getting sexually assaulted/raped...why?

Person 1: Well Steven asked me to play it with him last night.

Person 2:...Block and ignore him
by BetterluckXNexttime January 7, 2022
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