a quote from the throne of glass book used to describe a fucking bad ass queen
damn she just burned him so bad she’s such a fire breathing bitch queen
by potterhead05 August 27, 2019
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when the guy shits and jizzes in the girls mouth and then ducktapes her mouth shut and tickles her untill it comes out of her nose and burns.
i gave ur mom a alaskan fire breathing dragon last night and she's pretty beat up.
by asfdsdaf May 6, 2010
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She's a straight cunt and you never want to come across her path. She will eat your soul alive.
Damn bro I was talking to this girl and she was a real fire breathing bitch queen.
by Patrizi007 March 14, 2017
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An extreme bitch who also has red hair. She usually is never in a good mood and constantly bitching at random people.
Aaron "Dude did you see Jessica?"
Josh "Yea bro she is a fire breathing thunder cunt
Aaron "Oh aight"
by xBmXiCaNx October 31, 2011
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The ridiculously intense "butterflies in stomach" sensation one gets when looking at or thinking about the one you love. Hard to ignore.
When I see my boyfriend, the fire-breathing attack butterflies in my stomach go a bit crazy.
by I wonder...107 November 5, 2011
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Generally describes a person of small stature who instead of producing words tends to rain fiery slander all over those who surround them and try to destroy any remaining drop of happiness that might exist in their lives.

They also have been known to occasionally devour princesses and steal their coffee mugs which they then defend obsessively.

FBCD= Fire breathing cunt dragon
Girl 1: I think I'm going to have some coffee (reaching for princess mug).

FBCD: Uh uh gurl thats mah princess mug you savage biatch.

Girl 1: I just want some coffee....

FBCD: Uh uh you sketch-ass space bitch thats mah mug (emitting fire out of mouth).

Girl 1: You are such a fire breathing cunt dragon!

FBCD: (Breaths fire while snatching princess mug and simultaneously smacking girl in the face)
by I.AM.GREAT January 30, 2011
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