Fionne is a sensitive bitch but is a amazing person. Fionne is beautiful ,not very smart but the type of person everyone needs in der life. She’s very stubborn and gullible. Has the mind of a child . Bit of a alcoholic . Very weed dependent like very much. Often BaAAs like a sheep some would know her as the “sheep whisperer” .
Ugh it’s fionne
by Jamesxoxoxoxoxoox May 30, 2020
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Most caring person you will ever meet always putting others first and looking after everyone. You’ll be lucky to have a fionn in your life because he will always look after you. Fionn often doubts his self worth and will need reminding of how amazing and loved he is . Fionn is incredibly good looking but most importantly is incredibly kind ,looks are just a bonus.
I’m so lucky to have fionn in my life he’s the best thing that’s happened to me.
by I wanna die x January 27, 2019
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V. - To Fionn: to encourage extreme sexual excitement in others merely by being present within a 400m radius from Greek "Fionnus" meaning "To sexually intimidate"

N. - Fionn(sing.)(m): A man of great street credibility and respect; one who needs to beat off women with a stick to remain unraped.

ADJ. - Fionn (-icious(-ly)): Word describing the innate attractiveness of a male individual that one had never met but heard of in passing.

Male Friend: Aw man, your the Fionn fo sho. You Fionned the shit outta that joint bro.

Lady friend/ Ho: OH, MY, GOD... I don't think I've ever had a Fionn like you do something to me that so...Fionniciously..mmmm

Male Friend: Hey man, I heard one of the bitches thinks yo shit is Fionnicious
by Doctor UserName April 15, 2009
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The coolest guy you will ever meet.
by Qwmn May 23, 2020
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Verb when someone sucks the fun out of the room and not fun to be around
Wow your such a fionn when your with us
by Gamer fun June 24, 2020
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Fionn is bad at Siege
Fionn is shit at Siege
by Womp Womp Womp June 16, 2020
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Fionn is normally a small curly headed fucking animal with a massive cock , he will fuck anyone up who threatens him , he also only pulls the fittest birds on the go
Man that fionn fellah would fuck you up
by Declan mc cabe October 9, 2018
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