A word that means absolutely nothing, and yet Brad insists that it means something. Best guess is that it means a dictionary with fictitious words. Fictionary would be included in that dictionary.
Suckadickasaurus isn't even a real word. You'd have to look in the fictionary to find it.
by Steve Gurlacher April 16, 2005
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a compendium of words which are used in the game Words With Friends and are up for debate as to whether their usage is fair or not
1: 'HEHS' is a word??
2: Guess so.
1: You don't even know?? You can't play a word if you don't even know if its real! Not cool, man.
2: Whatever, dude. Consult the Fictionary.
by Friend of the Words November 11, 2010
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Fiction in your imagination ( imaginary ) ergo fictionary
He wished for something so much that he believed it when in fact it was fictionary.
by Markobello May 5, 2012
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(1.) noun: A dictionary comprised entirely of made-up (non-standard) words; a volume of words authored by someone other than an official Dictionary authority (Webster's, Britannica, etc.).
(1.) "Joe, an amateur wordsmith, thinks his fictionary contains words worth adding to the English language."
by the specter August 18, 2007
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A type of dictionary that consists of nonexistent words; a portmanteau of "fiction" and "dictionary".
"That word is so fake it needs to be added to the fictionary."
by rebel_shadow973 April 16, 2018
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fiction: literary type using invented or imaginative writing, instead of real facts, usually written as prose.

dictionary: a reference work with a list of words from one or more languages, normally ordered alphabetically and explaining each word's meaning and sometimes containing information on its etymology, usage, translations and other data.

fictionary: a reference work with a list of invented or imaginary words from one or more languages, normally ordered alphabetically and explaining each word's meaning and sometimes containing information on its etymology, usage, translations and other data.
The Urban Dictionary is a "fictionary."
by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com February 14, 2013
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