1. When something really bad happens and you are VERY VERY VERY AANNNNGGGRRRYYYYYYYY!

2. An internet comic meme posted on 4chan by someone of massive epic win.
Mike: "Did you get those hot pictures I sent you last night?" *FAP*
John: "Yeah, she was sweet *FAP* *FAP*. But her and that guy looked familiar."
Mike: "That's because it was your ex." *STILLFAPPIN*
by Fingerlickingrubbish February 1, 2010
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the feeling when you wake up alone, not in your bed, completely hung over, late for work, miles away from your primary means of transportation. this usually is followed by the discovery of something random, such as Spider-Man 3 on DVD despite not owning the first two or a half filled out US Census Survey that must be returned under penalty of law
deja-ffffuuuu! where did mary go? did you check the bathroom? the bath tub? she sleeps there sometimes.
by D.H. Lawrence June 26, 2009
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