Dairy perfection, forged by decades of hard work, generations of knowhow, a pinch of true love and the unflinching dedication of 90 farmer families.
“That Farmstyle Greek yogurt literally changed my life bro. I took one bite, awe-cried until i passed out, and woke up my best self. So creamy.”
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When you fuck so hard milk starts coming out of the girl's breasts.
I did her farmstyle, and then we used the milk to create some organic yogurt! So creamy.
by Ereiamjh March 7, 2017
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Participating in exploitative and grotesque sexual acts with farm animals, who are incapable of consent but are resigned to their fate of sexual slavery .
How do you have sex with a sheep? Farmstyle.
by Molasseswar March 8, 2017
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